
T & C’s, Privacy

LIVE GROUP CLASSES – By taking part in live group classes, you are agreeing to the following:

Terms and Conditions
The exercise classes provided by Swan Pilates and Yoga are for fitness and educational purposes only and are not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan, product or course of action. The instructor is not medically trained and as such, any medical advice should be sought from your usual medical provider.  Please inform your instructor of any illness or injury which may affect your ability to perform any exercise.  Exercise is not without risk, and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, before beginning this or any exercise program, please consult a healthcare professional to be sure that you can take part in this physical activity. If at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or experience physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult with a doctor.   If, during the class the instructor asks you to do anything which you believe would exacerbate an existing injury or illness, then please do not take part in that particular exercise and resume whenever you feel able.

These exercise programmes have been designed for a mixed ability class to improve muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. They will contain modifications and progressions of Pilates Matwork or Yoga Exercises.

From time to time, small equipment such as small balls, Pilates rings and bands will be used.

These classes involve hands-on correction.  Please make your instructor aware if this is something you do not want.

Those who have not practiced Pilates or Yoga before, or have not practiced for some time, are advised to start slowly, at level one, to build core strength and flexibility before progressing to higher levels.

Every precaution will be taken to ensure students’ safety during their participation. All instructions will be clearly relayed to students. If instructions are not understood, students should always ask for further clarification.

By taking part in these classes – you are agreeing to:

  • being aware of your own capabilities, injuries and health status and only doing those exercises that you are fit to do. (Seek medical advice if you have any doubt).
  • taking complete responsibility for your own health and safety whilst exercising.
  • seeking medical advice before any class, if you are in any doubt about your ability to exercise.
  • limiting your activity to a level that is comfortable for you, bearing in mind any medical limitations you may have and accepting the exercise modifications recommended by the instructor.
  • stopping all activity immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort. Medical advice should be sought before continuing.
  • completing a health questionnaire which will help you and the instructor to know when you should seek the advice of a medical provider.
  • Informing the instructor before each class if you have had any injury, illness or surgery which could affect you.

Payment/Refund/Holiday Policy

Payment is in advance, by the term. Terms are between 6 to 8 weeks depending upon the discretion of the instructor.

  • BACS payment is preferred. Cheques will be accepted in other circumstances. The instructor is unable to accept cash.
  • Places cannot be secured without receipt of payment.
  • Places may be forfeit if payment is not received before the booking deadline.
  • If a student cannot attend any class during the term, payment is not refundable nor can it be rolled over to the following term. However, included in the price is a weekly video of a similar class, so that students can practice at home or make up for any class that they have to miss.
  • If the instructor cannot attend a class for any reason, a fully qualified replacement instructor may attend in her place. No refund will be given for those classes.
  • If a class is cancelled, for reasons beyond the instructor’s control, such as, but not limited to, any official restriction announcements, the unavailability or illness of the instructor, adverse weather conditions or unavailability of the hall, students will receive a video recording of a similar class. No refund will be given for those classes.
  • During July and August term ONLY, classes will revert to a summer schedule.  There will be a two day holiday allowance during this time.  Holiday dates should be pre-booked on the booking form in advance.  No charge will be made for these dates.  The allowance CANNOT be used for any holiday booked outside this time period.
  • If a student leaves during a pre-paid term, there is no entitlement to a refund.
  • Participation is voluntary.  Students are under no obligation to continue with the programme should they not wish to and they can leave at any time.  If a student leaves during a pre-paid term, there is no entitlement to a refund.


  • These classes are not suitable for you if you are pregnant or have given birth within the past six weeks. Please check the suitability of the classes with your medical provider before commencing, especially if you have had a caesarean section or any complications.


You are very welcome to use my equipment but please bring your own pilates mat. If you would prefer to purchase and use your own pilates equipment (balls, bands, rings or sitting blocks), These are the URL’s for the equipment I use in class.  In my opinion, they are the best quality at a reasonable price but obviously you are free to source from other places such as Amazon.Pilates Mats can be purchased from https://www.mad-hq.com/core-fitness-mat-10mm or from Amazon.  

Yoga mats can be purchased from https://www.mad-hq.com/yoga-mad/shop/mats/  

(Please make sure that your mat is the correct mat for your class.  Pilates mats should be at least 10mm thick for safety and comfort whilst rolling the spine.  Yoga mats are too thin for Pilates but have the necessary grip for Yoga.

Balls from https://www.mad-hq.com/7-exer-soft-pilates-ball-purple
Stretch Bands from https://www.mad-hq.com/resistance-band-band-only-light
Blocks from: https://www.mad-hq.com/pilates-sitting-block
Rings from: https://www.mad-hq.com/double-handle-pilates-ring

ONLINE CLASSES:  By taking part in recorded video classes, you are agreeing to:

Being aware of your own capabilities, injuries and health status and only doing those exercises that you are fit to do. (Seek medical advice if you have any doubt).  

Taking complete responsibility for your own health and safety whilst exercising as it will not be possible for the instructor to monitor your technique, form or safety during the class. 

Before each class, if you are in any doubt about your ability to exercise, you should seek medical advice before continuing.

During class, limit your activity to a level that is comfortable for you, bearing in mind any medical limitations you may have, and stop all activity immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort.  Medical advice should be sought before continuing.


These classes are not suitable for you if you are pregnant or have given birth less than six weeks prior to starting. Please take advice from your medical provider, especially if you have had a caesarian section or had any complications with your pregnancy or birth. 

You will need:

A sitting block, or a cushion or two or a thick book to sit on if needed to make yourself comfortable during sitting exercises.

The correct mat for your activity.

Pilates equipment can be purchased using the links above in the ‘group class’ section.

Find a spot, ideally somewhere you won’t be disturbed.

Stay hydrated

Make sure that you have plenty of space around your mat and any distractions such as pets are kept away during your session.

Wear suitable clothing, loose and comfortable, so you can move and stretch.


Swan Pilates and Yoga/Karen Dobson cannot be held liable for:

  • any injury, worsening or start of any health condition or any transmission of disease.
  • any theft, loss, damage to self or property whilst online, or at outside venues and carparks
  • any noise, interruption, injury or insult caused by other class members or members of the public whilst in the class or car park.

I understand that:

  • all forms of exercise involve some risk of injury and/or medical trauma. I accept complete sole responsibility for my health and well being in this program.
  • the instructor is not medically trained and these sessions are not a substitute for medical counselling or treatment and that the coaching is a means of general guidance and motivation only.

By taking part in live group classes or online classes I hereby:

  • for myself, my heirs and assigns, do release and discharge Swan Pilates and Yoga/Karen Dobson from any and all liability now or in the future.
  • This release includes, but is not limited to, contraction of communicable disease, heart attacks, muscle strains, fractures, shin splints, musculoskeletal injuries, heat prostration, or any injury, start of, or worsening of, any health condition.
  • knowingly and voluntarily waive any and all claims against Swan Pilates and Yoga/Karen Dobson. 
  • request to commence Pilates or Yoga classes with Swan Pilates and Yoga/Karen Dobson. 


  • Upon booking the course, electronic information such as emails, email addresses, phone numbers and health status details are securely stored on Swan Pilates and Yoga’s’ computer/mobile phone/in the files of the on-line booking system/Google Forms. These are securely stored for legitimate operational purposes only and will be kept for a number of years to comply with legislation. Swan Pilates and Yoga/Karen Dobson cannot be held responsible for any breach of security of any on-line sites.
  • Confidentiality of personal and health information will be strictly upheld and will never be shared with any third party, other than with substitute teachers on a need-to-know basis.
  • Hard copies of Health Screening forms will be securely kept for a number of years to comply with legislation. They will be destroyed after the legal time period.
  • Upon making an enquiry, email and telephone number are stored on computer and mobile phone for the purposes of legitimate contact. Details will be deleted should the student decide not to join.